With the impact of Greta Thunberg and the Extinction Rebellion movement, the announcement of Zero Carbon targets for all or any of 2025, 2030 or 2050 and the growing evidence of extreme climate events through our seasons, there are few people now who do not believe in the need for decarbonisation of the UK.
Many Universities, Local Authorities and Businesses are now declaring their commitment to reversing the climate emergency and individuals are increasingly focused on their own actions. The opportunities for investors are huge.
However, there is no silver bullet. Solutions are complex and central to any plan at any scale, is the need to have a co-ordinated strategy focused on the optimisation of energy and heat demand and supply.
This is easy to say, but a lot harder to do, when the world keeps changing. The energy market is undergoing a radical transformation, where policy, regulation, markets, technology and data are all in a state of flux and mutually interdependent. The market is inherently complex and without a deep understanding of its dynamics can and does result in financial loss or avoidance and inaction. It is therefore little surprise that to date there is more a feeling of rabbits in headlights than rapid forward motion.

To deliver serious change and not just tickle the surface, organisations whether public or private need to get to grips with the differing moving parts and build and deliver risk based plans that provide inherent agility to respond as the market develops. Renewable generation, provision of flexible demand and supply, heat networks, use of technology and data and intelligent access to traded markets all need to be part of the mix, supported by investible business cases and delivered on time and to budget. All this in the context of a difficult policy and regulatory environment.
In this respect, EnergyBridge provides practical services as a critical friend. Based on deep and broad market knowledge and many years operational leadership experience in the energy markets, we work with organisations and investors to develop and deliver risk managed strategies which accelerate delivery of decarbonisation targets. With a broad network of associates and supply chain partners, we can help formulate and deliver bespoke solutions. Whether providing advice to the Board, building strategies and business plans or leading delivery of change, we can meet your requirements.
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